06 September, 2006

Field trip to Cartago

This past Saturday I got to visit rural parts of the neighboring province of Cartago. It was a unique opportunity to see Costa Rica through the eyes of a non-tourist. This time I got to see through the eyes of a geographer. I was on a field trip with my class in photogrammetry.

It’s a really cool class. Here’s the basic idea of it, as per Wikipedia’s definition:
Photogrammetry is a measurement technology in which the three-dimensional coordinates of points on an object are determined by measurements made in two or more photographic images taken from different positions (see stereoscopy).
So on Saturday our objective was to go to certain locations that we could identify in an aerial photo of Cartago and get their exact GPS locations to geo-reference the photo. Later we will put the photos together and use the principles of stereoscopy to generate a topographical map of the area. Cool, huh?

Some of the points we needed to geo-reference were way out in the sticks. To get to those we got to do some fun 4x4ing in a University bus. At some points the bus couldn’t go any further, so we had to get out and hike the rest of the way.

During one of such hikes we were passed up by some farmers hauling some stuff in their 2-horsepower carts. Maybe they were 3-horsepower carts, depending on the ratings of the two oxen that were hauling them. Unfortunately I didn’t have camera with me this time and I missed out on several potentially prize-winning photos. I did get this song stuck in my head, though…
I'm writing you to catch you up on places I've been.
You held this letter, probably got excited,
but there's nothing else inside it.
Didn't have a camera by my side this time.
Hoping I would see the world through both my eyes.
Maybe I will tell you all about it
when I'm in the mood to lose my way with words.

- John Mayer – 3x5


Blogger Dena said...

That sounds really cool! I remember one class I had in college, must have been astronomy, we were taught how to measure the distance to a point in space by looking at it from two different spots and triangulating the three points... or something like that. It was a LONG time ago. But the reason I remember it is that for the first time I realized why you have to have binocular vision in order to have depth perception. Since my eye don't work together, I can't triangulate the distance of things in front of me as accurately as you can! :) Interesting!

I'm glad you're enjoying studying all these cool things!

7:54 PM  

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